Thursday, December 20, 2012

The past few weeks in photos.

 I went to Rome with my Graphic Design class from University

I went to Spitafields Market with Marthe

It got really cold for like one day (I think 10 degrees is warm now)

I went to see 'Our Boys' with Annie, Marthe, Ellie, Liz and her friend Elsien.
Neville, Anyone?

Got a deliciously large amount of salad from Annie's work.

Sang Happy Birthday / 'Lang zal ze leven' to Liz on the tube

Made delicious pizzas for Liz's birthday. 

Swapped shoes with Annie on the tube.

No Comment. ahha.

Ate a amazing Christmas dinner at the B05 Christmas Bonanza!

As well as a delicious dessert!

It's very close to Christmas now and I am off to Copenhagen to visit Yo for Christmas and we are going to Amsterdam with Sara and Ogi, then to Berlin and back to Copenhagen. It has been a fantastic few weeks here in London and I've been having a ridiculous amount of fun here!
