Friday, August 10, 2012

28 days until take off!

I still haven't managed to get my head around the fact that I will be living in another country 16,898km from my family and my home. The days seem to be rapidly disappearing and before I know it I will be on a plane. It's funny how time works, it's felt like eternity trying to organise all of this and now that I'm so close to leaving the days are just speeding past. 
It's a strange feeling going away from home for such a long period of time. I kind of feel like I'm putting my Australia life on hold and starting this whole new life without many of the old characters I know and love in it. I don't think I've completely accepted that I'm actually going yet, I keep catching myself making plans for summer or buying things I won't be needing and thinking "Sarah when will you been needing that? You won't get much use out of a pair of shorts where your going" and then it all rushes back that I will be in another country and it will be winter. 
I'm still in the stressed stage on organisation where I'm trying to get forms for my visa and have been spending a lot of time and money on the phone to people in London (Middlesex university has very regal hold music I'll have you know!). Much to my dismay the visa predicament isn't going as well or quickly as I would hope. I believe we were promised by the end of the week, but they only have an hour and a half to show me the metaphorical money and I'm pretty doubtful. 

Goodnight fellow travellers,
Love Sarah xx

1 comment:

  1. Very eloquent Sair. I know exactly how you feel. Time is simply racing by. I have never thought about it like a narrative, but it is a perfect analogy. Although I would like to add that while I feel like I know where my Australia story is going, my Denmark story is like a blank notebook, ready to be filled with new characters, exoctic settings and (hopefully) memorable adventures.- Yo.
